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Our Ministries


Music Ministry

We at Trinity strive to offer music that is meaningful, life affirming, and personal for its members. We are blessed to be the caretakers of a two manual, 1955 Austin pipe organ, and also utilize an electronic piano guitar, bass, chimes, drums, and any instrumental combinations or offerings that our members would like to play or hear during our services.


Kids of the Kingdom

Our children learn about God's love for them in a variety of ways. Each Sunday God's Kingdom comes alive through story, song, art and service to others. When weather permits, God's beautiful creation is their classroom. There is always something wonderful happening in the Kingdom!


Bible Study

Exploring the Bible at Trinity means starting with food. We are gathering on Thursday mornings at 10am around a plate of breakfast snacks or homemade cookies, and break open the scriptures together. All questions, and all levels of knowledge are welcome around our table. Come with an open heart and you will be fed!


Currently we are discussing the verses of scripture that will be read that upcoming Sunday. 

Liturgical Ministries

The ministers of Trinity Church are the people of Trinity Church, assisted by their clergy. Most everyone plays a role on Sunday, taking turns greeting, reading, singing or serving the Eucharist. We find our experience of Christ deepens when share the work together. Our liturgical ministers range in age from 4 to 88, and we always provide on the job training.


Neighbors Helping Neighbors

The heart of Trinity is service to our community and beyond. We take seriously the mandate to be Christ's hands and feet in the world. During the week you are likely to find us feeding our neighbors, hosting a get together for our foster families, sponsoring a community laundry day, or working in the Neighborhood Garden. There are many ways to make a difference, and here at Trinity you will be making a difference among friends.

Episcopal Church Women

The ECW is a small committed group of women who gather together monthly for conversation, mutual support and service to the community. The group sponsors wonderful coffee hours (we recommend you try their date nut bread with cream cheese) sends birthday and get well cards to parishioners, and sponsors other projects as needs arise. All women of the parish are warmly welcomed to join this wonderful group.


Prayer Warriors

The Prayer Warriors came together a year and half ago to meet the emergency prayer needs of our community and beyond. One phone call activates the chain of prayer, and prayer requests are always confidential.

Music Ministry
Bible Study
Liturgical Ministries
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Episcopal Church Women
Prayer Warriors
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