Faces of Trinity
Rev. Patricia Leonard-Pasley
Maura Leonard
Sarah Hernandez
Children's Minister - Meet Miss Maura
Director of Music Ministry - Meet Sarah
I started working at Trinity as a Parish Admin in October of 2018, after years of being a Graphic Designer. I instantly fell in love with this place. Rev. Tricia is amazing, my co-workers are fantastic, and the parishioners make Trinity feel like home. I am blessed to be a part of this group.
Betheny Hawkins
Trisha Orlando
Associate for Parish Life
Bookkeeper/Office Manager and Trinity Gives Coordinator
I’m a relatively new member of this church. I left religion many years ago but I found myself needing the Lord's help and He brought me to Trinity. From day one the congregation has been so welcoming and have helped me bring Jesus back into my life. I joined the Vestry in the hopes that I can give back a fraction of what I have received from Trinity Church.
Margie Grose
Steve Smith
Aaron Smith
Senior Warden
Property Warden
Vestry Member and
Blessing Pantry Garden Coordinator
Not Pictured
June Walker, Treasurer
Vestry Members: Bob Dargewicz, Carolyn Parler-McRae, Cheryl Dainiak, Justin Kievits, and Scott Martin
“The greatest among you will be your servant.”
Matthew 23:11