Kids of the Kingdom
Here at Trinity your children will not find themselves in a 'traditional classroom' on Sunday morning. That is because we believe Christian formation happens best when children are exposed to the life of the church through a variety of experiences, and through active participation in the liturgy. Just as no two adults come to a faith in the same way, no 'one program' fits the needs of every child.
As best we can we try to customize each child’s/teen's faith formation using a variety of formats, such as story, art, service and play.
We asked some of our adults what they most liked about going to church. We received many responses, such as "a sense of community, a closeness to God, fellowship and fun." With the help of a consultant we realized that our children want the same things from church! Below are some of the offerings your children will find waiting for them here at their Trinity Church.
"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children."
Isaiah 54:13
Meet Miss Maura

I work with children with emotional and social disabilities and am pursuing work in healing with Yoga and Reiki. I have built and have been running the Kids of the Kingdom for two years. I believe in religious and spiritual education being a part of every day life. I take stories and lessons we hear in the Bible and help the kids of the Kingdom connect them to our lives, and those of our friends. I enjoy acting and creating characters to allow for a more animated learning environment.
I love instructing but I love learning more. I also love to paint and rock climb.
Kids of the Kingdom
If you are ages 3-11 (pre-K – 6th grade), then you have probably met Miss Maura, or one of her aliases, the Angel Gabriel, Abigail the inn keeper, the shepherd boy, or the star. Each Sunday children are invited to go on a biblical adventure with Maura that always includes snacks.
Kingdom Kids Choir & Music Club
We have a new offering in the fall of 2021 with our Kingdom Kids Choir & Music Club which is open to K-5 children. We meet on Tuesday afternoons at 4:30 and “Club” activities follow the CT Arts Standards, and students learn to create, perform, and respond to music. As a certified music teacher in the state of Connecticut, Miss Sarah lead the lessons. There are always a minimum of two adults present, one of whom presently works in special education in multiple CT school districts. We have keyboard and percussion instruments that the children can utilize. Children are given individually packaged snacks and drinks. We also continue the use of masks to ensure the safety and health of all in attendance.
Parish Wide Youth Service
During this liturgy, our children and teens assume all of the traditional roles, including that of the presider. The last youth service was a special 'Beatles Mass.' in which Paul McCartney and John Lennon’s music served as our principal hymns, and were performed on piano by Danny Tichy.
Here at Trinity we don’t think that children are important to the future of the church.
Children are the future
of the church!
Enjoy some photos from the grand opening of our Kindomette Room (click to enlarge)...

Miss Maura invites us to the opening of the Kingdomettes room.

The kids make the first cut...

The Kids of the Kingdom did a lot of work preparing this room for our littles.

Miss Maura invites us to the opening of the Kingdomettes room.