Trinity Episcopal Church
Angel Card of the Day (4/30/20): Angel of Clairaudience
A Message from Maura:
"I have pulled seven cards for the next seven days (starting today April 17th, 2020). I have asked with the best intention of the community and congregation that these cards bring comfort or positive affirmations that will help or assist you or someone you love in a moment of stress or worry. I must say that the order that the angels were pulled in from the deck for the next seven days truly was assisted by God."

What are Angel Cards? They are a deck of cards that are simply your "Guardian Angels." These are not fortune telling decks or in any way conflicting to our Christian beliefs. I believe that angels are messengers sent from God to assist us for the greater good. Like we believe in the angel who came to Mary, angels have been a part of our spiritual belief for centuries. I use Angel Cards prior to practicing Reiki and also as a way to begin my week. While I shuffle the deck I say a small prayer such as, "I ask for guidance from my guardian angels to assist me in this week's challenges" or "I ask for guidance and to assist me for my highest good." When an Angel Card is pulled there is a brief description of that angel and an affirmation to help me throughout my day.
You have received this card because your Angel of Clairaudience is here to remind you that you are a natural clairaudient, who was born with clairaudience. Clairaudience is the gift of hearing the spirit realm through songs and messages that you receive in your everyday life. Your gift of clairaudience has been reawakened and your Angel of Clairaudience is ready to guide and teach you how to utilize and rediscover your ability.
Your Angel of Clairaudience May announce her arrival to you through subtle soundwave frequency changes through your ear. These frequencies can be heard in the form of sudden buzzing, ringing or whooshing sounds. Do not be alarmed if this occurs. It is your Angel of Clairaudience letting you know which ear she wishes to use to communicate with you. Pay attention to any words, voices, songs, sounds or messages that pop into your mind, as this form of guidance may come to you in your own voice or the voice of your angel or loved one in spirit.
Once you become accustomed to this new form of guidance, your Angel of Clairaudience will offer you guidance, inspiration, Warnings, and share encouraging messages to help assist you with your daily life.
Affirmation: I am ready to reawaken my gift of clairaudience. I listen to the spiritual guidance I receive from my Angel of Clairaudience. I hear and understand the information that is shared with me from the spirit realm.
All Angel readings are taken from the “Angel Reading Cards” by: Debbie Malone and Amalia I. Chitulescu. They are pulled for this community and congregations highest good.
In the event of a pastoral emergency, contact the Reverend Patricia Leonard-Pasley at 203-888-6349 or 203-314-7936
Trinity Episcopal Church | 91 Church Street, Seymour, CT 06483 | 203-888-6596